sábado, 30 de octubre de 2010

The Globlalization

  Today, the term globalization is widespread and the process that means is hotly debated around the world. The public feels directly affected by it in their daily lives. The politicians repeatedly mentioned in his speeches and is one of the preferred objects of political debate. Scholars struggle to analyze and understand their implications. Companies prepare their production strategies based on the new phenomenon, supposedly unstoppable and irreversible. Some sectors of civil society opposed to it and express their position with widespread public protests by the media.

It is known for the phenomenon of globalization of economies and open borders as a result of increased trade, capital movements, the movement of people and ideas, dissemination of information, knowledge and techniques and a process of deregulation. This process, both geographically and sectorally, is not recent, but has accelerated in recent years.The globalization is a source of many opportunities, but remains one of the biggest challenges that faces today the European Union. To fully exploit the growth potential of this phenomenon and ensure a fair sharing of benefits, the European Union seeks to establish a model of sustainable development through multilateral governance in order to reconcile economic growth, social cohesion and environmental protection environment.


Broadly speaking, one could say that globalization is integration of various international companies in a single world capitalist market. Therefore, the phenomenon is defended from economic theories such as neoliberalism and organizations like the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
There are many schools of thought who believe that globalization goes beyond the economic issue and covers culture, for example. As the balance of power between the more developed nations (such as Europe or the U.S.) and underdeveloped (such as Latin America or Africa) is very uneven, globalization without limits or controls promotes cultural imperialism and economic domination, and attentive against the particular identity of each people.
The origins of globalization can be traced back to 1492, when Christopher Columbus landed in America. From there, the expansive in Europe will translate into a series of empires and the intensified global trade every year. The powers were based on political-economic theory of mercantilism, which meant the competition for a finite amount of wealth and the need for strict control of trade. The tensions and confrontations led to the first ever global treaty (Treaty of Tordesillas), where Spain and Portugal agreed how to share the conquered territories.
The advancement of technology, the rise of telecommunications and the Internet and the development of transport has allowed the phenomenon of globalization is an inescapable reality in today's world.

miércoles, 27 de octubre de 2010

The Great Dictator..

A Jewish barber looks the same physics that the new dictator of Tomania, Hynkel (Charles Chaplin), who promotes a strong anti-Semitism that eventually lead to prison barber.Hynkel's Dream, allied with Napaloni (Jack Oakie) is world domination, and submission to their anti-democratic principles.In the midst of a hunt for ducks, Hynkel be confused with the barber, who escaped from a concentration camp, and he will take the place of the dictator.

One of the great masterpieces of Charles Chaplin was the satire of fascism and Nazism, in the end of ideological totalitarianism and oppression.He assumed his first sound film and it really turned sharply and wit a mockery of Hitler and Mussolini and a prophetic concern for the implementation in Germany and Italy of the schemes mentioned above, even before the Second World War, since this film was released in 1940 but the script had been completed before the beginning of the war.
The emotional final speech in which Chaplin turns his ideas about human society and democracy has been mercedidamente for its dramatic intensity and felt true to the annals of film history.

The comic moments, with special predilection for slapstick, is used to mock its objectives and purposes little veiled (the Hynkel dance scene with the globe is another memorable moment of his career), and although not equal in his approach to best moments of silent film, it contains insightful and creative scenes full of sarcasm.
The film has a great characterization of Chaplin and a no less remarkable parody of Mussolini conducted by Jack Oakie.The beautiful and talented Paulette Goddard was at that time the wife of celebrated writers.

Who Was Charles Chaplin?...

The most popular film comedian and one of the most gifted and important artists in the entire history of cinema, operator of a mythical character, Charlie, at the crossroads of many feelings established and derivatives in their critical and poetic society around him.
Charles Spencer Chaplin was born on April 16, 1889 in Lambeth, London (England). His parents were devoted to music-hall, but sadly for little Charlie had a tragic fate: his father Charles died due to massive consumption of alcoholic and his mother Hannah was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Before that, Charlie debuted five years in the actions of their parents and was for a long time touring Britain with their show.
After losing her parents, Charles and his brother Sydney not stop wandering around orphanages know that loneliness and misery that so masterfully portrayed Chaplin in his later films.
When Sydney, who was older than Charles, joined Fred Karno's troupe took with his brother and there were until, on an American tour were hired by Mack Sennett for Keystone company.
In Keystone there was the revelation of Chaplin as a comedian, while Sydney, who had more success than 

 Charlie Karno was diminished its artistic category, but would be starring in several films and became the representative of his brother.

In 1914 he debuted in film and in the following years and participated in many short at first strongly influenced by the size of one of his idols, Max Linder, the sleek look of Linder soon bartered by the famous character The Tramp, a bum shabby little mustache with a cane and bowler hat.
One of the greatest innovations of Chaplin in the world of comic cinema was that humanized the characters, emphasizing the world of emotions within the effervescent gags and frantic people who triumphed in the Keystone, like the famous Keystone Cops.

In 1915, Charles Chaplin, and become a star, signed with Essanay, where he directed, wrote and starred in one of his best films of this early period, "The Tramp / Tramp Tramp" (1915). In 1916, she joined the Mutual shorts where he starred as "Charlie stagehand Cinema" (1916), "The Rink" (1917) and "Easy Street" (1917), in 1918 signed a multimillion dollar contract with First National, reaching great success with his first feature, "The Kid" (1921).  

 In 1919 Charles Chaplin was created along with other superstars of the time as Mary Pickford, Douglas Fairbanks and David W. Griffith an independent company called United Artists.
Charlie's first work distributed by United Artists was "A Woman of Paris" (1923) where Chaplin did not appear (he was seen in a cameo) as an actor. The film was played by Edna Purviance and Adolphe Menjou.

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